Below is a list of some of the TinyPICO shields & add-on boards we make
We’ll be adding more as time goes on, so check back every now and then to see what’s new!
These boards are no longer available for purchase. Some have been replaced with newer designs.
Play Shield (discontinued)
Note: this shield has been discontinued, and replaced with the Explorer Shield.
The Play Shield was designed to be a multi-purpose board that can be used for all sorts of activities like prototyping output, experimentation, and even games. It has lots of goodies on it, including:
Attaching your TinyPICO to your Play shield
128x64 white OLED
3-axis accelerometer
Light sensor
Mono amplifier
Magnetic buzzer
Blue LED
Four input buttons - pulled LOW when off
Reset button
LiPo connector plus power switch
Headers for your TinyPICO
Play Shield Pinout
If you power the Play Shield and TinyPICO from the shield JST connector, you can use the slide switch on the shield to power down everything. Make sure you have the switch turned on, though, if you want to charge the battery when the USB cable is plugged in.
Your TinyPICO is inserted vertically into the back of your Play shield, with the antenna at the top and the USB connector on the bottom. Please be careful to align the pins correctly when inserting your TinyPICO to avoid damaging either or both of your boards when powering it up.
Proto Shield (discontinued)
This has been replaced with my new Prototype Boards.
Sometimes you just want to add a few small components to a project, and pulling out the perfboard seems like too much hard work. Yes, that’s how we feel too! Also, how often is it simply a button or two that you want to add?
The Proto Shield gives you the space to do just that, but with two buttons already on and wired up to GPIO14 and GPIO15 so you can skip that step. It also breaks out the reset button as a convenience.
RTC Shield (discontinued)
This board has been replaced with the new RTC Logger.
Accurate timing is important with electronics! The RTC Shield helps with that - featuring:
Ultra-low power consumption
Goodies like calendar and alarms
MFP (Multi Function Pin) that you can disconnect via a solder jumper on the back if you need the pin for something else
Battery holder for CR1025 3 V coin cell
Grove I2C Shield (discontinued)
Grove is an incredibly convenient connection system with a large ecosystem of add-on boards. The Grove I2C Shield lets you quickly tap into that ecosystem:
Plug up to three I2C Grove modules into a TinyPICO
A fourth device can be added via the provided headers
10K pull-ups on the SDA and SCL pins - disconnectable via solder jumpers
Note: Grove connectors can be used for more than just the I2C protocol, and though you can technically connect other protocol Grove devices to this shield, it’s not recommended or supported by us.
Side By Side By 3 (discontinued)
This has been replaced with my new Prototype Boards.
The 3 Up shield is a simple and convenient way for you to connect a TinyPICO and two other shields together without needing to go to a breadboard or use stackable headers.
The shield also comes with a 3D-printed base for it to sit on, so that you won't scratch your desk from the header socket solder joints!